Sweeteners (intense, bulk, polyols)

Many big players in the food industry have found regenerative AI helps them in NPD. Image Source: Hiroshi Watanabe/Getty Images

Mars, PepsiCo, Kraft Heinz, and Givaudan on how AI can improve NPD

By Augustus Bambridge-Sutton

NPD takes time. Long hours of R&D lie between an idea and a product launch. AI, however, is helping a range of major companies generate product ideas, as well as do market research and gain insights into the minds of consumers.

Tagatose finds a home in lean labeling

Tagatose finds a home in lean labeling

By Deniz Ataman

Despite FDA’s labeling of tagatose as an added sugar, the alternative sweetener’s nutritional and functional benefits continue to generate interest from the food and beverage industry, particularly with lean labels, Jim Kappas, VP specialty ingredients,...

Oobli rethinks sweetness using sweet proteins for new RTD tea

Oobli rethinks sweetness using sweet proteins for new RTD tea

By Deniz Ataman

With Oobli’s first commercial launch of three fruit-flavored sweet teas, the company is building its product development around the oubli fruit’s sweet protein, brazzein, which Oobli reports is up to 5,000 times sweeter than sugar and metabolizes as a...

Pic: Swerve

Sugar reduction special

Monk Fruit and allulose-centered products set to be key drivers of innovation

By Anthony Myers

Swerve, one of the leading manufacturers and marketers of zero-sugar, keto-friendly, and plant-based sweeteners, is at the forefront of the sugar-free baking trend. The company’s innovation and expansion into monk fruit and allulose sweetener offerings,...

Madhūka is found in the forests of India. Image source: Instants/Getty Images

Versatile high-fibre 'superfood' Madhūka arrives in the UK

By Augustus Bambridge-Sutton

Found in the forests of South and South East Asia, the Madhūka flower provides a versatile ingredient that can be used as nibs for cereals, snacks and museli, as powder for coffee and milkshakes, and as tea. Now, ōForest, a new brand, is bringing it to...

Sweet Victory chewing gum. Source: Sweet Victory

Gum helps combat sugar cravings with 'sugar destroyer' ingredient

By Augustus Bambridge-Sutton

Israeli food-tech startup Sweet Victory has released a chewing gum designed to curb sugar cravings. A consumer study on the gum found that it enabled its users to significantly cut down on sweets, as well as lose weight. The product, which is already...

There has long been pushback against Nutri-Score amongst members of the nutritional science community, who argue the FOP labelling scheme contradicts the country’s food-based dietary guidelines. GettyImages/Boarding1Now

Why is the Netherlands’ adoption of Nutri-Score so controversial?

By Flora Southey

This week, the Netherlands announced Nutri-Score will ‘definitely’ be adopted as its official voluntary nutrition labelling scheme. The move is a controversial one, with nutritionists arguing the scheme contradicts its food-based dietary guidelines.