
Tech is helping transform bakery and snack businesses. Pic: GettyImages

What advances is AI making in bakery and snacks?

By Natasha Spencer-Jolliffe

Hint: The evolution of artificial intelligence (AI) is less to do with glossy marketing campaigns and packaging visuals and more about uncovering the mystery of algorithms and getting a better handle on supply chain data.

getty | dzika mrowka

Personalised nutrition: Exciting opportunity or costly distraction?

By Nikki Hancocks

We are yet to see clear evidence that personalised diets based on omics provide better outcomes than generic healthy diets, and these cutting-edge and expensive services could be distracting us from dealing with the "nutrition elephant in the room"....

Talking Dawn’s people, patent-pending tech and trends

Talking Dawn’s people, patent-pending tech and trends

By Gill Hyslop

At the International Bakery Industry Exposition (IBIE) held in Las Vegas, US, last month, Dawn Foods unveiled its 2023 global bakery trends reports and showcased it’s game-changing non-sticky doughnut glaze. BakeryandSnacks also used the opportunity to...

The app promises to save congestion in supermarkets by navigating shoppers to products via the fastest route, Pic: Ubamarket

The retail tech set to shine in the Covid-hit world

By Oliver Morrison

Tech companies have long been developing methods for a faster and more efficient shopping experience for consumers. These are all gaining traction in a new world of social distancing and sanitation, says Will Broome, CEO of retail tech app Ubamarket.

Pic: Getty Images/Bloomberg


100% Traceable: Olam’s tech links producers and farmers through data

By Kristine Sherred

The cocoa and spice supplier unveiled sustainability goals in 2017 with a 2020 goal of nurturing a ‘fully traceable’ cocoa supply chain. We discussed progress with Olam's North American innovation lead, when we caught up with him at IFT.

Pic: GettyImages


Blockchain innovation in the cocoa supply chain

By Anthony Myers

Technology is creating consumer expectations on privacy, trust and traceability and cannot be overstated, said mobile and digital marketing guru Tom Daly. His answer? Blockchain.

Anuga FoodTec 2015: meat processing and packaging innovations

Highlights from Anuga FoodTec 2015

By Georgi Gyton

Approximately 43,000 visitors descended upon Cologne last week for the Anuga FoodTec show. Spanning four days the event provided the chance for businesses to showcase their latest innovations in the world of packaging, machinery and technology. We take...

Food scientists need to build bridges with consumers, delegates at the Food Vision Conference heard

Food Vision

Celebrity chefs needed to sell food science to consumers

By Rick Pendrous

Food firms must woo celebrity chefs and other ‘foodies’ more to help consumers understand the industry’s use of science, including biotechnology and nanotechnology, experts from the sector have argued.


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