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FQN attended the symposium in Stockholm, Sweden

dispatches from AOAC Europe – NMKL – NordVal Symposium

Future challenges in food analysis theme of industry event

By Joseph James Whitworth

The future of microbiology, a call to review current allergen detection methods and method validation were some of the highlights at an industry event.

Daily sugary drink habit linked to liver disease

Daily sugary drink habit linked to liver disease

By Nathan Gray

Consumption of a sugar-sweetened drink on a daily basis may be associated with an increased risk of developing non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), say researchers.

Russia has limited imports from Brazil and Paraguay

Russia restricts South American meat imports

By Vladislav Vorotnikov

Russian veterinary body Rosselkhoznadzor has recently introduced restrictions on beef imports from several Brazilian companies and has refused entry of a large shipment of meat from Paraguay.

Polish kosher meat may soon be banned from being exported

Polish kosher meat could be banned from export market

By Helen Arnold

Polish kosher meat may soon be banned from being exported, after a request by the country’s ombudsman to make kosher slaughter - or shechita - legal only for local consumption, according to Jewish news website The Forward. 

PURE Bioscience has a range of products already on the market

PURE Bioscience to resubmit FCN after FDA talks

By Joseph James Whitworth

PURE Bioscience is to resubmit a Food Contact Notification (FCN) for its antimicrobial in raw poultry processing after the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) prompted a withdrawal last year.

Daily Express: One of many media outlets that leapt aboard the train of misinformation

Mock choc study highlights peer review pitfalls


It’s no secret the peer review system that is supposed to subject academic research to rigorous scrutiny before publication is not perfect, but a [mock] German professor has revealed just how much of a joke it often is.

The overall winner will be crowned the World's Best Steak Producer

Search is on for World’s Best Steak

By Georgi Gyton

A new international competition, from the team behind GlobalMeatNews, launches today (5 June) - the World Steak Challenge.

EFSA's final scientific opinion on acrylamide in food said the highest dietary contributor for adults was fried potato products like French fries

EFSA stands by acrylamide cancer concerns

By Kacey Culliney

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has published its final opinion on acrylamide in food, reconfirming previous evaluations that it increases the risk of developing cancer for consumers in all age groups.

InstantLabs’ Hunter Real-Time PCR instrument

InstantLabs partners with FDA on catfish test

By Joseph James Whitworth

InstantLabs has partnered with the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on a catfish species identification test to prevent mislabelling and seafood fraud.

It has been said that the situation will change the landscape of the Belgian pork sector

Belgian pigmeat exporters struggle amid Russian EU import ban

By Carmen Paun, in Brussels

The Russian import ban on European Union (EU) pigmeat products has led to a 15% decrease in the price of Belgian pork carcases, a new report released by Belgium’s Ministry of Economic Affairs last week argued.

Dawn Meats is the latest Irish firm to be given the green light

Irish meat producers have sights set on US market

By Helen Arnold

A third Irish meat processing company has just been granted access to the lucrative American market, following the lifting of the 15-year trade embargo on Irish beef imports earlier this year.

Crowdfunding websites have raised £21M for UK food and drink start-ups

Crowd funding raises food safety fears

By Nicholas Robinson

Crowdfunding bosses have slammed criticism that this growing source of finance is backing food and drink products that are potentially harmful to consumers.

BPA has been declared safe by the FDA and EFSA

UPDATED: ConAgra, Nestlé and GMA respond

BPA substitutes in canned food ‘not clear’ - EWG

By Joseph James Whitworth

Many companies that have stopped using bisphenol A (BPA) in canned food did not reveal what they are using instead, according to the Environmental Working Group (EWG).

It is predicted that approvals for meat exports will not take place before 2016

Ukraine faces problems with meat exports to EU

By Vladislav Vorotnikov

The approval of Ukraine meat companies for export to the European Union (EU) has been postponed for an indefinite period, as the state budget has no money to go through all the procedures necessary, according to the country’s Deputy Minister of Agrarian...

What push would EU firms need to change supply chains? Photo credits AR Harrison-Dunn

Seaweed in focus

What will it take to make Indonesian seaweed competitive?

By Annie-Rose Harrison-Dunn, reporting from Indonesia

Indonesia has ambitious plans to add value to its seaweed industry – but its success could depend on the outcome of an ongoing tug-of-war between industry and government.

There are more undernourished people in the Asia-Pacific region than anywhere else in the world, with more than 490m people still suffering from chronic hunger

World hunger continues to fall


The number of hungry people in the world has fallen again this year to 795 million – 10m fewer than last year and 216m fewer than in 1990-92 – according to FAO figures.

Soy is challenging for food companies to discuss without courting controversy, so many companies choose to deal quietly and directly with their suppliers

Major companies are driving soy sustainability, says RTRS


Sustainability in the soy sector is being driven by food companies aiming to mitigate brand risk, according to Europe Outreach Manager for the Round Table on Responsible Soy (RTRS) Lieven Callewaert.

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