Chocolate and confectionery ingredients

© World Obesity Federation


‘Yo-yo diet’ weight gain may be caused by gut bacteria

By Nathan GRAY

Rapid post-diet weight gain, often referred to as yo-yo dieting, could be a result of obesogenic gut bacteria which remain even after weight loss, say researchers who hope their findings could help to stop weight gain after dieting.

© iStock/Tonygers

Made in Switzerland 'Swissness' law to enter in force 1 January 2017

'Unfortunate': Nestlé to lose Swiss cross on 80 brands

By Niamh Michail

Nestlé will be forced to drop the Swiss cross from 80 products manufactured in Switzerland following a new law on 'Swissness' set to come into force in January next year. "This is very unfortunate," the head of Nestlé Switzerland has...

Has UK packaged food gone past its sell-by date?

Study finds UK packaged food sales have declined steadily throughout past decade

Has UK packaged food gone past its sell-by date?

By Louis Gore-Langton

Packaged food sales in the UK have reached their lowest growth rate in a decade due to an increase in discounter stores, innovation fatigue, and an increase in eating out due to economic improvements, according to Euromonitor.

© iStock/Ljubaphoto

Brexit bites, or the price of a low pound

By Mark Jones, food and drink solicitor

What will the impact of rising food prices in post-Brexit Britain be on manufacturers, retailers and consumers? Food and drink solicitor at Gordons law firm Mark Jones takes a closer look. 

Haze from Indonesia's forest fires last year spread to neighbouring countries, such as Krabi, Thailand, and has returned this year. © iStock/NuttKomo

Palm oil industry under fire as Indonesia’s haze drama continues

By Rick Beckmann & Kresna Panggabean

Haze from slash-and-burn agricultural has returned to Southeast Asia this year. Is it enough to wait for regulators to bring the (mainly palm oil) culprits to justice? Asian resource legal experts Rick Beckmann and Kresna Panggabean enter the storm.

The Parliament has spoken...but how long will it take the EC to define trans fat limits? © iStock

EC called on to fast-track impact assessment

MEPs vote to limit trans fats in EU

By Niamh Michail

MEPs have overwhelmingly voted to adopt a resolution pushing for a European limit on industrially produced trans fats, something industry has said it supports at 2%.

© iStock

Under-12s seeing 88% fewer ads for non-nutritious products, says industry

Game over for food marketing to kids, says consumer group

By Niamh Michail

Food and drink companies need to turn their words on marketing to children into action, says European consumer rights group BEUC, as it calls 'game over' on marketing unhealthy food to kids.

Confectionery is most purchased category in travel retail with over half of items brought on impulse. Photo: HRG

Guest Article - Trend Report

Digital tech to change confectionery travel retail space

By Tina Thompson, digital projects director from retail marketing agency HRG

Technology is set to enrich the travel retail segment, where confectionery is already the most purchased category, says retail marketing agency HRG.

Choices chopped: Consumer groups are celebrating the end of the industry-backed tick but have already denounced the replacement app as insufficient.  © iStock/DragonImages

Option paralysis: Consumers were confused by 'Choices'

Dutch ditch healthy eating logo for an app

By Niamh Michail

The Dutch government has ordered the industry-led healthy eating logo to be phased out and replaced with an app that allows consumers to scan products for nutrition information.

The problem is healthy fats present food structure problems when replacing other fats. X-ray could help. ©iStock

X-ray fat for formulation wins?

By Natalie Morrison

Food scientists are X-raying fats in a bid to understand how saturated and trans-fats can be replaced by healthier versions without compromising taste or texture.

Unilever & Tesco close 'Marmitegate'

Unilever & Tesco close 'Marmitegate'

By Niamh Michail

Unilever and Tesco have resolved their dispute over price increases for brands such as Marmite, but both are remaining tight-lipped over details of the deal.

'Only 40% of us have a healthy weight,' said health minister Simon Harris in a foreword to the report. 'In terms of scale, this represents one of the biggest public health challenges Ireland is facing today.'  © World Obesity Federation

Ireland launches national obesity plan

By Niamh Michail

The Irish government has launched an ambitious national obesity plan which proposes a sugary drinks tax, maximum portion sizes, marketing restrictions and reformulation targets - but the lack of funding to implement the policy has led to criticism from...

Photo: iStock

British exports to non-EU countries 'beyond expectations': FDF

By Niamh Michail

British food and drink exports were up 6.2% in the first half of 2016 thanks to a weak pound while exports to non-EU countries grew “beyond expectations” in the pre-Brexit period, says the Food and Drink Federation (FDF).

The Games got underway last Friday in Brazil with food & drink brand sponsorship coming under the spotlight. ©iStock/Jacob Ammentorp Lund

Analysis: Is Olympics sponsorship all pain for little gain?

By David Burrows

Performance enhancing drugs have been the media focus in the run-up to the Olympics in Rio. But as the Games got underway last Friday in Brazil it was food and drink brands that were in the spotlight as campaigners and industry engaged in a heated spat...

The Olympic Games in Rio has been branded a “carnival of junk food marketing. ©iStock

Food industry under fire over Olympic sponsorship deals

By David Burrows

The Olympic Games in Rio has been branded a “carnival of junk food marketing” as campaigners published new research on advertising tactics used by Coca-Cola, McDonald’s and Mars brand M&Ms. Kellogg’s were also singled out as sponsors of Team Great...

IOI saw its RSPO membership suspended following allegations of illegal deforestation. ©iStock


RSPO lifts IOI's suspension

By Niamh Michail

The Roundtable for Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) has lifted the suspension of Malaysian palm oil supplier IOI citing "good progress" made by the group.

The Dutch company's production plant in Mierlo will now be the site for its R&D and quality control laboratories. Photo: GNT Group

GNT invests over €3m in new R&D lab

By Niamh Michail

Colouring foods supplier GNT is set to double its product development capacity with an injection of more than €3m into a new R&D lab in Mierlo in the Netherlands.

The Bel Group is hoping to create a global snack-food company through its proposed acquisition of MOM Group.

Bel Group to acquire MOM Group from LBO

By Jim Cornall

The Bel Group and MOM Group’s management team have agreed to undertake exclusive negotiations with LBO France to acquire the MOM Group.

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