Chocolate and confectionery ingredients

A healthy cocoa pod. © GettyImages/dwart

Cocoa crop losses are 38% and rising - so what can be done?

By Niamh Michail

A staggering 38% of global cocoa is lost each year to disease or pests - and this figure looks set to rise - yet research is scant compared to rice, corn or wheat. Why is this and what is being done to reduce it?

© GettyImages/vadimguzhva

Focus on food choices to tackle NCDs, not specific nutrients

By Niamh Michail

Understanding the role of specific nutrients in food, such as sugar and saturated fat, is important but not enough to fully understand how diets impact risk of obesity and non-communicable diseases (NCDs), says one scientist.

Tree cover loss in Colombia accelerated last year after areas formerly controlled by FARC opened up for agriculture. ©GettyImages-StreetFlash

Cocoa & Forests Initiative expanded

Colombia pledges deforestation-free cocoa by 2025

By Oliver Nieburg

The world’s tenth largest cocoa producer has joined the Cocoa & Forests Initiative as it looks to combat a 46% increase in tree cover loss last year.

© GettyImages/RidoFranz

MEPs push for a dual quality on-pack logo

By Niamh Michail

Manufacturers could add a logo to food and drink packaging that tells consumers the product's content and quality is the same in all EU countries, consumer protection politicions said yesterday.

© GettyImages/Ridofranz

300,000-strong survey 'confirms positive impact' of NutriScore logo

By Niamh Michail

Leading French retailer E.Leclerc is definitively backing the NutriScore logo after a survey of 300,000-consumers showed it is best in encouraging healthy food choices, especially among younger shoppers and those from lower socio-economic backgrounds.

© GettyImages/Fascinadora

EU should follow our trans fat ban success: Denmark

By Niamh Michail

Denmark's trans fat ban is a public health and food reformulation success, and should be rolled out across the EU, says the Danish government. "The European Commission should be inspired by our good example," says the minister for food.

© iStock/dolgachov

FoodProfiler app shines light onto European's eating habits

By Niamh Michail

Which vegetable do Brits eat the most? When do Belgian girls eat yoghurt? And do Dutch men prefer dessert or fruit? An app that gathers insights into European's eating habits could help fine-tune new product development.

© GettyImages/dewpak

Macadamias: On a mission to crack the on-trend nut market

By Niamh Michail

Macadamias only represent 1.5% of the tree nut market, held back by limited supplies and high prices, but a tree-planting programme could change that. "Customers are crying out to use macadamias as an ingredient. It’s up to us to make that opportunity...

Titanium dioxide nanoparticles.  © GettyImages/Dr Microbe

France looks set to ban titanium dioxide

By Niamh Michail

As France looks poised to ban titanium dioxide by the end of 2018, the government has praised “pioneering” manufacturers for voluntarily removing the colouring from food products.

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