
Engage to cut supply chain emissions, CDP urges

‘Surge’ in climate leadership puts greater focus on the supply chain

By Katy Askew

Last year saw a “surge” in climate leadership, prompting environmental disclosure platform the Climate Disclosure Project (CDP) to praise food and beverage companies including Nestlé, Ajinomoto, Coca-Cola, Kellogg and Unilever for their supplier engagement...

© GettyImages/shuttertop

Grass is greener for healthy, novel protein, say researchers

By Niamh Michail

Cheap, plentiful and with an amino acid profile similar to eggs, grass could be the next sustainable protein ingredient for food manufacturers, say Danish researchers, who have already created a grass protein bar.

Organic food enjoys high levels of youth support ©iStock

Youth support for organics swells

By Katy Askew

Austrian teenagers and young adults are “especially interested” in the origin of the food they consume and want organic production methods to be further adopted in the country, a new survey reveals.

Consumers are looking online for insight but are confused by the answers they are finding ©iStock/ArtemSam

Are fragmenting attitudes to health a threat to food brands?

By Katy Askew

New research finds that consumers are increasingly confused by the numerous – and sometimes contradictory – messages about food and health. A loss of trust in traditional sources of information adds to the chaos and stands as a barrier to the development...

© iStock/alffoto

Bayer renews sustainable soy commitment

By Niamh Michail

Agrifood giant Bayer has renewed its 2015 co-operation with the Round Table on Responsible Soy Association (RTRS), which saw it mobilise farmers and the use of certified soy in its supply chain.

Awareness of the positive role protein plays has jumped ©iStock/triocean


The protein challenge: meeting global demand

By Katy Askew

The food sector has witnessed a jump in demand for protein. But conflicting pressures mean this complex issue requires a nuanced response and leadership from the food industry.


NHS England move to ban 'sugary drinks' in hospitals

By Will Chu

Plans by the UK’s National Health Service (NHS) to ban sales of sugar-sweetened drinks in hospitals in England have been backed by the British Soft Drink Association (BSDA), who praised the decision to include all sugar-added drinks.

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