
'Once outside the EU the UK must develop its own external tariffs, and may find itself subject to the high external tariffs applied by the EU to agricultural products—to the detriment of UK farmers and food manufacturers.' ©iStock/Nerthuz

Brexit could pose GM headache for UK

By David Burrows

The UK’s food sector will face “enormous challenges” following Brexit, both in relation to trade with Europe and within its own borders, according to a report by the House of Lords EU energy and environment subcommittee.

Examining nutrition labels is often recommended by doctors and dietitians to improve food choices, but choice does not always translate to consumption. ©iStock/piotr_malczyk

Food quality, not quantity matters to label lovers

By Will Chu

People who pay attention to nutrition labels are more concerned with the quality of the food they eat, choosing to eat more fruits, vegetables and beans, and shunning potatoes and refined grains.

© iStock/taffpix

Orkla cuts palm oil from 98% of its Nordic sweets and snack brands

By Niamh Michail

Orkla Confectionery & Snacks Sweden has removed palm oil from 98% of its products, meaning 1,500 fewer tons of saturated fat in consumers' food. But what were the technical challenges and how was it received by fellow members of the Roundtable...


Salty food diminishes thirst and increases hunger: Study

By Louis Gore-Langton

New research has reversed ideas about the health impacts of a high salt intake diet, and may have implications for salt reduction campaigns throughout Europe - though public health campaigners have called the results "contrived". 

© iStock/Jan-Schneckenhaus

Health risk from pesticide residues is low, says EFSA

By Niamh Michail

The health risk from pesticide residues in food is low, according to a report by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), with 97% of samples within legal limits - but this is an "upbeat" interpretation which ignores the cocktail effect, critics...


‘We have a tremendous opportunity to use our global scale to influence positive change’

PepsiCo launches Nutrition Greenhouse incubator: ‘The latest food innovation is coming from both big & small players’

By Rachel Arthur

PepsiCo has launched an incubator programme to help nurture the ‘best and brightest’ entrepreneurs in the nutrition, health and wellness sectors. Eight ‘breakthrough brands’ will benefit from a €25,000 ($26,500) grant each, and access to experts from...

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