Carbohydrates and fibres (sugar, starches)

Image: iStock/elenachaykina

Sugar taxes work even among poor… just: study

By Oliver Morrison

Sugary drink consumption in Chile fell nearly a quarter after the country introduced a raft of regulatory measures on foods high in sugar, fat, salt and calorie content. The affect was slightly greater among middle and high socioeconomic groups.

Pic: iStock/thodonal

Healy leverages cocoa shells for natural sugar reduction

By Katy Askew

Healy Group, the Ireland-based ingredient supplier, has developed a process to turn cocoa shells – an otherwise under-utilised by-product of cocoa production – into a micronised cocoa fibre that can help with sugar reduction in chocolate.

©GettyImages/Narong KHUEANKAEW

How has global food supply changed in 50 years?

By Flora Southey

Researchers have noted ‘clear shifts’ in global food supply since the 1960s, including a decline in the supply of animal sourced foods and sugar in high-income English-speaking countries.

Shifting away from sugar:  What's the outlook in 2020?

Shifting away from sugar: What’s the outlook in 2020?

By Katy Askew

As consumers increasingly opt for nutritious snacking choices with reduced or no sugar, we talk to Julian Mellentin, Food and Beverage Consultant at New Nutrition Business, about the sugar-based trends on everyone’s lips.

Image: iStock/lowkick

Energy drink ban ‘makes no sense’

By Oliver Morrison

Plans in the UK to ban the sale of energy drinks to teenagers are “unscientific” and “discriminatory” according to a think-tank.

©KP Snacks

KP Snacks under fire for cricket tournament sponsorship

By Oliver Morrison

The owner of a host of iconic snack brands says its partnership with a new cricket tournament will help grow the sport and encourage families to get active. But campaigners reckon the promotion of HFSS food through sport sends the wrong message in light...