Food safety

Many of the world's greenhouse gas emissions come from plastic waste. Image Source: kiattisakch/Getty Images

Tetra Pak on the decarbonisation of the packaging system

By Augustus Bambridge-Sutton

Plastic packaging does an enormous amount of harm to the environment, taking up land in landfill sites and maiming wildlife on both land and sea. However, it also contributes to climate change, emitting high levels of greenhouses gasses into the atmosphere....

Image: General Mills

Precision fermentation: Future of dairy or busted flush?

By Oliver Morrison

There was a notable failure in the US for ‘one of the world’s first next generation cheese alternatives’. But that shouldn’t detract from the potential benefits that precision fermentation technology can bring to the dairy alternatives category, FoodNavigator’s...

Image: Getty/Hailshadow

The packaging paradox: the balance between clean labels and shelf life

By Oliver Morrison

In today’s era of sustainability, rising ingredient and energy prices, reducing waste by extending shelf life is more imperative than ever. But what implications does this have for clean labels? Where do manufacturers draw the line between extending shelf...

Red meat could lead to cancer due to damaged DNA, the study suggests. Image Source: 10,000 Hours/Getty Images

Heat-damaged DNA in food could be linked to cancer, study shows

By Augustus Bambridge-Sutton

Foods including red and processed meat have been frequently linked to cancer. A new study suggests that this could be because of the cooking process – food cooked at high heats could damage the DNA in the food, leading to increased cancer risk in those...

Image: Petmal

Fresh calls for food to be central to climate dialogue

By Oliver Morrison

Most countries are yet to realise the full potential of including food systems in their climate action plans, according to a new report calling for food and agriculture to be at the heart of discussions.

How will the next generation of innovators win over consumers, and what hurdles will they need to jump to get there? GettyImages/snapphoto

How next-gen protein innovators plan to win over consumers

By Flora Southey

The taste and texture of meat and dairy analogues have come a long way. But according to alternative protein experts, ‘there is still room for improvement’. How will the next generation of innovators win over consumers, and what hurdles will they need...

The Seafood Alg-ternative project is developing alternatives to smoked salmon, canned tuna, tarama spread and roes from algae. GettyImages/4kodiak

Fish 2.0? EU funds wave of algae-based fish substitutes

By Flora Southey

Smoked salmon, canned tuna, tarama spread and roes…made from algae? The ‘Seafood Alg-ternative’ project, with support from the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund, is working to transform algae into plant-based seafood substitutes.

The country-of-origin labelling scandal, which has also seen allegations of poor hygienic practices, has rocked the meat industry. Source: IP Galanternik D.U./Getty Images

Rotting ham and mislabelled meat? Pork scandal shakes meat industry

By Augustus Bambridge-Sutton

In the UK, a food processor has been accused by former employees of “washing” hams that are visibly gone off and mislabelling products as retail. The allegations have brought the meat industry as a whole, and the Food Standards Agency (FSA) in particular,...