Honey helps hangovers

Eating honey may help the seasonal hangover, according to the NationalHeadache Foundation. " Honey on a cracker or piece of toast, before or afterdrinking,...

Eating honey may help the seasonal hangover, according to the NationalHeadache Foundation. " Honey on a cracker or piece of toast, before or afterdrinking, may prevent a hangover," according to a statement from the headacheexperts. "Honey has fructose that competes for the metabolism of alcohol,''Dr. Merle Diamond, associate director of the Diamond Headache Clinic inChicago told Reuters Health. This competition prevents the rapid change inalcohol levels that causes the 'bang' headache in the morning, shesaid."Tomato juice, another good source of fructose, also helps to burnalcohol faster," according to the National Headache Foundation.