
Top food and drink trends for 2016

Food and drink trends focus on smaller brands

By Noli Dinkovski

The growing importance of smaller food and drink brands, arising from the fragmentation of consumer beliefs about food, is one of 10 key trends identified next year by New Business Nutrition.

ADM among those to drop out: 'After assessing the current state of uncertainty in Paris in general, we have decided not to participate in the show this year'. Photo credits: / IakovKalinin

UBM says security and comfort of attendees is ‘paramount’; registrations up 6%

32 firms pull out of FiE in wake of Paris attacks

By Annie Harrison-Dunn

Around 32 of 1400 exhibiting companies (3%) have pulled out of the industry event Food Ingredients Europe (FiE) next week in Paris following the city’s fatal attacks, despite efforts from the organiser to up security.

Commission clears Solina acquisition

Commission clears Solina acquisition

By Niamh Michail

The European Commission has cleared the acquisition of French ingredient supplier Solina by private investment company Ardian.

Food for thought: What we learnt at Food Matters Live

Food for thought: What we learnt at Food Matters Live

By David Burrows

After three days of debates, seminars and demonstrations at Food Matters Live, there are major challenges and themes the industry needs to reflect upon - we've rounded up some of the most compelling.

There’s clearly a commercial benefit to being a free-from manufacturer, but there are lots of controls and verification points that manufacturers need to have in place to make accurate and reliable claims.

New guidance to prevent free-from faux pas

By Lynda Searby

Concern over misuse of the term ‘free-from’ in relation to allergens in food products and a need for greater standardisation of manufacturing practices has led the British Retail Consortium (BRC) and the Food and Drink Federation (FDF) to produce new...

FiE 2015 preview: Innovation scanner

FiE 2015 preview: Innovation scanner

By Niamh Michail

With over 1000 companies exhibiting at Food Ingredients Europe in Paris from 1 to 3 December, FoodNavigator takes a sneak preview at just some of the companies that will be there and the products they will be showcasing.

The better for you (BFY) category has been a victim of the clean label and reformulation trends, says Euromonitor

exclusive guest article

The state of the health and wellness market in 2015

By Ewa Hudson, head of health and wellness research at Euromonitor International

Is organic still selling? Does the 'natural' trend mean fortified/functional food is now passé? And why are consumers turning their noses up at better for you (BFY) offerings? Ewa Hudson, head of health and wellness research at Euromonitor International,...

Glyphosate is unlikely to cause cancer, says EFSA

Glyphosate is unlikely to cause cancer, says EFSA

By Niamh Michail

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has concluded that glyphosate, a herbicide used on food crops, is unlikely to cause cancer and recommends raising safety levels.

Junk food dominates marketing landscape in Scotland: study

Junk food dominates marketing landscape in Scotland: study

By David Burrows

Nearly three quarters of the food and drink marketing seen by children in Scotland is for junk food, according to new research that the Scottish Government will use to push for stricter UK-wide advertising rules.

EU sugar reform will damage public health, warn researchers

EU sugar reform will damage public health, warn researchers

By Niamh Michail

The EU sugar reform will harm public health by flooding the market with cheap sugar and tempting manufacturers to reformulate – an agricultural policy that takes into account public health is needed, say researchers.

Is RSPO certification becoming irrelevant?

By Niamh Michail

Companies are increasingly demanding certified palm oil using criteria that are stricter than current RSPO standards – does the mean the RSPO certification is in danger of becoming irrelevant?

Public Health England report: Key points and reactions

Public Health England report: Key points and reactions

By Niamh Michail

"No single action will be effective in reducing sugar intakes," concludes Public Health England's report which recommends cutting price promotions, junk food advertising and setting a sugar tax. We look at some reactions to the findings.

Many customers are looking for clean label, but is it worth it for manufactures?


Clean label: Is it worth it?

By Hal Conick

“Clean label” and “clear label” have been industry buzz terms in the bakery and snacks industries over the last few years, but is the commitment to going “clean” worth the cost?

Cargill's EverSweet fermented stevia launch

Will Cargill's EverSweet be a gamechanger for stevia?

By Niamh Michail

Extracted or fermented, blended or pure, stevia can take many forms - and the arrival of EverSweet will mean even more possibilities for positioning the sweetener, says Cargill. But will it get past the EU's regulatory roadblocks?

“We have noticed some slight differences in nutrient content (protein, magnesium and vitamin C) but these do not seem significant in our view.

Dutch firm enters bulging chia seed scene


The spate of companies seeking to enter Europe’s lively chia seed market shows no signs of slowing with an EU novel foods application from a Dutch firm joining the fray.

UK bakery market to grow by 9% by 2020

‘Elemis’ sugar replacer to revolutionise bakery industry

UK bakery market to grow by 9% by 2020

By Jenny Eagle

Ulrick & Short has sold its first sugar displacement product, ‘Elemis’, as it predicts the UK bakery market will grow by 9% by 2020.

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