
The WHO expects childhood overweight and obesity prevalence in Africa to reach 12.7% in 2020, up from 8.5% in 2010.

Exclusive interview with FAO’s director for nutrition

The fat after the famine: Obesity the next challenge facing Africa, says FAO boss

By Annie Harrison-Dunn

After years of battling undernutrition, Africa is now facing an emerging threat of obesity and the two must be considered simultaneously, according to the director of nutrition at the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO).  

The children’s choices of food classification closely mirror that of their parents. Tomsickova

Special edition: Food for kids

Study shows healthy eating programmes should target preschool years

By Will Chu

The foods children define as a meal or snack is largely undetermined in their formative preschool years suggesting that eating and diet programs could use the findings of a new study to encourage a healthy balanced diet from an early age.

Dispatches from FIE 2015

Eat with your eyes: Making sense of multi-sensory food

By Niamh Michail

Food should taste and smell good but what else should and can it do when ‘visually stimulated’ consumers like millennials engage in eating occasions? Touch, sight and sound are increasingly in the mix and driving multi-sensory NPD as FoodNavigator discovered...

EFSA backs glyphosate but should industry blacklist it anyway?

EFSA backs glyphosate but should industry blacklist it anyway?

By David Burrows

The European Commission’s standing committee meets today to discuss whether or not to renew approval for glyphosate. Chances are the controversial herbicide will get the green light. Should the food industry step in and apply its own ban?

Photo: Istock / Lukatme

FoodNavigator 2016: What's on our editorial calendar?

By Niamh Michail

Putting the spotlight on innovative start-ups, sugar reduction, sustainable sourcing and the latest trends in colour, texture and flavour, FoodNavigator's special editions calendar and online events for 2016 spans the hottest topics for the European...

Photo: Istock / Alex Skopje

What was 2015's most misleading product? Consumers cast their votes....

By Niamh Michail

It’s that time of year where the food industry eagerly looks to market analysts’ predictions for 2016’s upcoming trends. But consumer rights group FoodWatch is asking Dutch consumers to take a look back at 2015 and vote for the most misleading product....

Commission report backs a legal limit for trans fat

Commission report backs a legal limit for trans fat

By Niamh Michail

A limit on permitted levels of industrial trans fats in food is the most effective way to reduce Europeans' risk of heart disease, says the European Commission in its long-awaited report - but it does not say what that limit should be.

EFSA has given the green light for thaumatin in a wide range of applications including food flavourings, salt substitutes, sauces and snacks.

EFSA gives green light to new applications for thaumatin

By Lynda Searby

Following a favourable scientific opinion from the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), formulators will soon be able to use the natural protein sweetener and flavour modifier thaumatin in a broader range of applications.

Top food and drink trends for 2016

Food and drink trends focus on smaller brands

By Noli Dinkovski

The growing importance of smaller food and drink brands, arising from the fragmentation of consumer beliefs about food, is one of 10 key trends identified next year by New Business Nutrition.

Commission clears Solina acquisition

Commission clears Solina acquisition

By Niamh Michail

The European Commission has cleared the acquisition of French ingredient supplier Solina by private investment company Ardian.

About 27% of the 7.3 billion global population eat insects, according to the FAO. Photo credit: / peterkai

Two-year count down for insect novel food approval

By Annie Harrison-Dunn

Producers of food-grade insects will submit a novel food application as soon as the new regulation passes into force, the International Platform of Insects for Food and Feed (IPIFF) has pledged.

FiE 2015 preview: Innovation scanner

FiE 2015 preview: Innovation scanner

By Niamh Michail

With over 1000 companies exhibiting at Food Ingredients Europe in Paris from 1 to 3 December, FoodNavigator takes a sneak preview at just some of the companies that will be there and the products they will be showcasing.

The better for you (BFY) category has been a victim of the clean label and reformulation trends, says Euromonitor

exclusive guest article

The state of the health and wellness market in 2015

By Ewa Hudson, head of health and wellness research at Euromonitor International

Is organic still selling? Does the 'natural' trend mean fortified/functional food is now passé? And why are consumers turning their noses up at better for you (BFY) offerings? Ewa Hudson, head of health and wellness research at Euromonitor International,...

Glyphosate is unlikely to cause cancer, says EFSA

Glyphosate is unlikely to cause cancer, says EFSA

By Niamh Michail

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has concluded that glyphosate, a herbicide used on food crops, is unlikely to cause cancer and recommends raising safety levels.

Junk food dominates marketing landscape in Scotland: study

Junk food dominates marketing landscape in Scotland: study

By David Burrows

Nearly three quarters of the food and drink marketing seen by children in Scotland is for junk food, according to new research that the Scottish Government will use to push for stricter UK-wide advertising rules.

Is RSPO certification becoming irrelevant?

By Niamh Michail

Companies are increasingly demanding certified palm oil using criteria that are stricter than current RSPO standards – does the mean the RSPO certification is in danger of becoming irrelevant?

What the Swedish eat: 1740-strong dietary survey

What the Swedish eat: 1740-strong dietary survey

By Annie Harrison-Dunn

People in Sweden fall into one of three dietary camps - a ‘healthy dietary’, ‘Swedish traditional’ or 'light-meal' pattern - a national dietary survey of 1740 adults has found.

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