FSAI aims for 100 per cent food safety compliance

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The Food Safety Authority of Ireland (FSAI) this week announced
details of three Closure Orders served on Irish food companies and
reafirmed the aim of the FSAI to achieve 100 per cent compliance.

The Food Safety Authority of Ireland (FSAI) this week announced details of three Closure Orders served on Irish food companies.

The Orders are served in the interest of public health to food businesses with serious breaches of food safety legislation.

In the spirit of new technology and as a deterance all businesses affected are listed on the FSAI website.

Commenting on the latest figures, Dr Patrick Wall, Chief Executive, FSAI, said that there are over 37,000 food premises operating in Ireland and that five Enforcement Orders was a very small number of businesses who had infringements however, ultimately the desire was to have 100 per cent compliance.

"Irish food businesses need to realise that the future of their business lies in their own hands, they can not expect the regulators to protect their operations for them.

The enforcement powers are used when there is, or is likely to be, a serious threat to public health.

They are not used for minor infringements and standards have fallen very low when enforcement officers have to resort to using these powers.

This degree of non-compliance can not be tolerated, and no excuses are accepted.

We are not out to persecute food operators, but they would be wise to take heed that enforcement powers will be used, and their premises named if they do not operate to the required legal standard.

Most businesses are committed to high standards for the health of their customers and the good of their business.

For those without that commitment we hope that the threat of being published will be an incentive to push businesses to maintain proper standards," Dr. Wall said in a statement.

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