FSA: bureaucracy thickens

UK Food Standards Agency (FSA) announces group to guide its £30.8 million research programme.

The UK Food Standards Agency (FSA) this week announced the names of 12 scientists, academics and consumer experts who will guide its £30.8 million research programme.

It is difficult to restrain the thought that this is but another layer of bureaucracy falling on those already present. However, according to the FSA the new Advisory Committee Research (ARC) will: "Review and advise the FSA Board on the Agency's £24.8 million research and £6m survey programmes, help the Agency identify the best sources of research and survey expertise, advise on the Agency's research and science policy in relation to the EU and other collaborators, advise on new and emerging research areas and consider whether the Agency should fund the projects itself or encourage funding from other organisations."

Professor Michael Lean, Professor in Human Nutrition, University of Glasgow will chair the new ARC.