New packaging solution for fresh produce

US company Arca Systems, specialising in plastic returnable transit packaging (RTP), has recently introduced a new high quality, perforated container, designed for the distribution and merchandising of fresh produce.

Arca Systems, specialising in plastic returnable transit packaging (RTP), has recently introduced a new high quality, perforated container, designed for the distribution and merchandising of fresh produce.

Initially rolled out for supplies to Wal-Mart stores, across the USA, the new box will enable UK fruit and vegetable producers to reap the considerable benefits from using multi trip packaging.

Experience from the Wal-Mart operation has proved that plastic containers provide a cost-effective distribution tool. They can be used over and over again, eliminating the disposal costs associated with traditional cardboard boxes. Additionally, some UK companies, already using Arca Systems returnable transit packaging systems,have reduced packaging costs by as much as 70 per cent.Once damaged beyond economical repair, containers can be recycled and the material used in the manufacture of new products, providing an environment friendly solution.

The new container is designed to better maintain product quality. Manufactured from food industry approved polypropylene, its robust construction reduces the potential for damage to delicate fruits and vegetables during transit. The perforated sides allow air to flow around the contents, which means that produce should stay fresh for longer.

An impressive two hundred and thirty six empty boxes can be nested on a single pallet, minimising costs during return trips. Uniquely, the new box can be stacked with other types of plastic boxes.

All Arca Systems products can be incorporated into product traceability systems, as they are able to accommodate a wide variety of identification devices, including labelling, permanent bar coding and RFID. Additionally, radio frequency tracking systems ensure readibility, even if the box is stacked, nested or folded.