"The main purpose of the hearing is to listen to the views of the widest possible range of stakeholders, including experts in the agricultural, environmental and consumer field and to gather experiences from pilot initiatives," said the Brussels-based body this week.
Following the hearing - on the 22 January - the Commission will put together an 'organic strategy' that will be presented to the European Council and Parliament.
Franz Fischler, European Commissioner for Agriculture, Rural Development and Fisheries said: "There are important questions we need to address. How, for example, can we ensure traceability and organic authenticity and, linked to this, how can we support the co-existence of organic farming with either conventional methods or genetically modified agriculture ?".
Over a 100 stakeholder organisations, agricultural ministers from member states, acceding and candidate countries will participate in conference.
Speakers include Joe Walsh, minister for agriculture and Food in Ireland, David Byrne, EU Commissioner for Health and Consumer Protection, Toralf Richter, from the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL) and Tony Sullivan from UK supermarket chain Sainsbury's. Franz Fischler will close the event.