Hyperform gains EU approval for food applications

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has approved the use of
Hyperform HPN-68 for use in food applications, which means that
this high-speed nucleating agent for polypropylene from Milliken
& Company has now gained acceptance for food related
applications virtually worldwide.

"Each of the regulatory bodies who have reviewed HPN-68 has determined that it can be used in contact with food under requested conditions of use,"​ said Regina Harper, regulatory affairs manager for Milliken & company. "This approval covers all of the countries in the European Union and follows similar approvals in the United States and Asia."

Regulatory approvals allow Milliken to market Hyperform as safe for use in food contact materials at levels of up to .25 per cent in polypropylene (PP) and high density polyethylene (HDPE) under all conditions of use. Additionally, it can be used in linear low-density polyethylene applications up to 100 degrees Celsius.

Hyperform HPN-68 is a high-speed nucleating agent for polypropylene that offers extremely fast crystallisation rates, resulting in improved processing speed and productivity gains of as much as 30 per cent.

HPN-68 also enhances product quality through improved dimensional stability, reduced warpage and physical property balance for injection and extrusion processes with polypropylene. Its applications range widely, from automotive door panels and pipe fittings to plastic food containers.

"Obtaining regulatory approvals for food safety opens up applications for Hyperform on a worldwide basis,"​ said Jeff Jones, global marketing manager for Milliken Chemical's Hyperform product line. "Worldwide acceptance is an important advantage to our customers who can develop consistent product formulations on a global basis using Hyperform."

US-based Milliken Chemical, a division of Milliken & Company, is a market leader in additives for plastics, including Millad 3988 clarifying agent, Hyperform nucleating agents, ClearTint polymer colorants and ClearShield UV absorber.

Related topics Food safety & quality

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