Lock detector offers full traceability functionality

Lock claims that its new MET 30+ metal detector features software
that can help food processors become fully compliant with
traceability regulations.

With the whole industry moving towards total visibility throughout the supply chain, Lock says that its equipment can provide turnkey traceability solutions to guarantee product safety.

Indeed, attention to food safety on the production line has never been greater. Flakes or slivers from machinery as well as swarf or wire from sieves, cutters or drilling during maintenance work can infiltrate the line at any stage during the production process, and new food safety legislation obliges food manufacturers to implement systems to safeguard the supply of food.

As a result, the software on its MET 30+ detector is designed to protect manufacturers, contract packers, retailers and brand owners in an industry increasingly pursuing 100 per cent accountability.

All detectors are fitted with standard traceability functionality but more powerful and thorough traceability is now enabled by DataChek and BatchChek. DataChek is a data management system which monitors and reports the status of individual lines, machines and products.

Operators can collect and store information to provide a valuable central record of all validation and production data. The records can be exported for use in other applications, providing an essential tool for compliance with HACCP, ISO and Weights and Measures requirements.

BatchChek, originally developed for the pharmaceutical sector, provides a comprehensive record management system, and allows manufacturers to meet stringent electronic records and electronic signature requirements. The software also implements all security access controls, user identification and audit trails, so in the event of contamination, batches can be fully traced and accounted for.

It provides even higher levels of product security and recordability than those permitted by DataChek.

Lock claims that with such sophisticated traceability functionality, its MET 30+ metal detectors make it easier for food processors and manufacturers to implement best practice, comply with legislation and obtain British Retail Consortium and International Food Standard accreditations.

Lock Inspection Systems​ supplies metal detection equipment to companies in the food, pharmaceutical and packaging industries. The company is based in the UK and has offices in France, the Netherlands and the USA.

The company's Australia offices were opened up in August last year and will act as its Asia Pacific headquarters. The company has reported growing demand in the region in recent years, in particular from the burgeoning China market.

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