Low-cost scale-filler for liquid packers

T.D. Sawvel has introduced a low-cost scale-filler kit for liquid food packers, bringing fast, accurate liquid measurements to low-budget operations, says the company.

The filler is especially suited for start-up producers who want to run their production lines continuously with accurate weight measurements at minimal cost, Sawvel claims.

The Model 113s-K is a compact single-head liquid control filler suited for liquids and products which seek their own level, such as, fruit flavorings, edible oils, processed eggs, mayonnaise, dressing, syrups, glazings, dips and sauces.

The machine is best designed for larger-scale applications such as 1/2 gallon to 6 gallon fill jobs. The machine can be combined with a lid press for semiautomatic and fully automatic packaging operations.

"This system is designed to be very flexible," said president Troy Sawvel in a statement. "The customer can buy it in kit format, set it on his table and hook it up to his hopper. It's a very affordable option."

The company claims the machine uses the latest digital controlled scales with high sample rates and a variable fast fill/slow fill system to achieve the most accurate weights possible for products supplied continuously.

The filler is designed for easy installation, the scale base and control indicator are designed specifically for pre-existing work surfaces on the production line, said the company.

The machine can be modified to include larger filling valves, a product supply hopper, roller in-feed and out-feed platforms, and swivel castors.

The model 113S-K starts at about $8,000 which includes a scale indicator, a base with load cell, a 1.5" LEE air-operated ball-valve assembly, and Filter, Regulator, Lubricator (FRL) assembly.