The scheme is part of the UK government's bid to assess the risks nanotechnology poses to thepublic. The government review follows a report in May by the country's Food Standards Agency (FSA), which said gaps existed in EU legislation in regulating the future uses of nanotechnology.
The scheme could eventually lead to regulations restricting the use of nanotechnology applications in certain sectors.
Nanotechnology has been touted as the next revolution in many industries, including foodmanufacturing. It is a sector for which the topic has become a hot consumer issue due to fears over the unknown consequences of digesting nano-scale particles designed to behave in specific way in thebody.
"There is currently very little information available on the potential risks that these materials may pose to the environment and humanhealth," Defra stated. " The scheme is designed, together with a programme of government research, to address this knowledge deficit."
In launching the voluntary reporting scheme, the Department for Environment, Food and RuralAffairs (Defra) said it wanted to work toward assessing any potential risks posed by the products ofnanotechnologies.
Industry, research organisations and others are included in the list of those being asked toreport on their work. The scheme is voluntary and will run for a period of two years.
Michael Pitkethly, chairman of the UK's Nanotechnologies Industry Association (NIA), said thescheme is important to ensuring that industry has appropriate controls in place for engineered materials at the nanoscale.
"The safety of these materials is of paramount importance to the NIA and the scheme alignswith the NIA's advocacy of a measured and responsible approach and has our full support,"he stated.
Nanotechnology refers to the application of properties materials have at the atomic, molecular and macromolecular scale. A human hair is 80,000 nanometres (nm) wide, a red blood cell 7,000 nm wide, and a water molecule 0.3 nm wide.
Earlier this year the UK launched a review of its nanotechnology policy over concerns about thehealth and environmental risks. The review is being led by the UK Council for Science and Technology(CST).
Nanotechnology has been touted as the next revolution in many industries, including foodmanufacturing. It is a sector for which the topic has become a hot consumer issue due to fears overthe unknown consequences of digesting nano-scale particles designed to behave in specific way in thebody.
The CST review follows a report in May by the country's Food Standards Agency (FSA, which saidgaps existed in EU legislation in regulating the future uses of nanotechnology.
The gaps include those relating to particle size, the use of nano versions of already approvedingredients, and to packaging, according to the FSA's legislative review of the food sector.
The CST independent review will cover the government's actions in the two years since theirpolicy response to a study by the Royal Society and the Royal Academy of Engineering.
In addition Defra on 23 June completed a consultation on a proposed voluntary reporting schemefor engineered nanoscale materials.
Other regulators worldwide are also in the process of reviewing policy and regulations relatingto the technology.
The CST is the UK government's advisory body on science and technology policy issues. Members areappointed by the prime minister. The CST plans to publish its review in spring 2007. The deadlinefor submissions is 2 October 2006.
The Royal Society and the Royal Academy of Engineering report on nanotechnologies considered thepossible health, social, ethical, safety and environmental questions that could be raised bynanotechnologies.
A public survey taken last year by the European Commission across the EU found widespread supportfor medical and industrial biotechnologies. While there is opposition in most European countries toagricultural biotechnologes, such as genetically-modified (GM) food, the European public mainlysupports the development of nanotechnologies, pharmacogenetics and gene therapy, the survey found.
All three technologies "are perceived as useful to society and morally acceptable", theEurobarometer survey found. "Neither nanotechnology nor pharmcogenetics are perceived to berisky."
So far nanotechnology has made minor inroads in the food and drink industry, mainly due toconsumers' fears about the unknown risks the technology poses to their health. However foodcompanies see great opportunity in the technology as a means of introducing innovative products tothe market.
Nanoscale technology also offers new opportunities for the packaging industries, and variouspotential food contact applications have been suggested, including improved barrier properties,better temperature performance, thinner films for flexible packaging, and nanoscale pigments forinks.
Other countries are also determining how to approach the technology. This year Germany's foodsafety risk assessment agency commissioned a study on on the risks of nanotechnological applicationsin food, cosmetics and other everyday items.