With the increased regulatory emphasis on hygiene in manufacturing plants, equipment makers are upgrading machines to withstand frequent cleanings and harsh chemicals. Mokon's claims its Hydrotherm II is the first to use stainless steel for wetted surfaces, which is safe for contact with liquids used in food production and resistant to chemicals used in cleaning. The circulating water temperature control system has a pumping capacity of 25 gallons per minute (GPM) and nine kilowatts of heating capacity, while operating temperatures can reach a maximum of 250F (121C), the company claims. The heating designs found in all Mokon systems are present in the Hydrotherm II, which has a two-pass stainless steel heating canister. Liquid is forced over heating elements to increase the system's heat transfer efficiency, claims the manufacturer. The Hydrotherm II features a microprocessor-based controller to deliver precise temperature control, the manufacturer claims. The controller is compatible with thermocouple sensors, which are cheap, resistance-temperature detectors (RTD), which are known for their excellent accuracy, and milliamp (mA) inputs, which measure an extensive temperature range. Lights on the control panel indicate the mode in which the temperature is operating. The unit occupying two square foot of floor space, also houses the controller in a cabinet for easy access, claims Mokon. The Hydrotherm II meets national electrical standards for machinery and comes standard with a UL labeled electrical sub-panel. The Hydrotherm II is supplied with an extended warranty.