The ingredients are being targeted at the bakery, meats and vegetables industries and the company says the strength of the offering lies in its ability to be quickly tailor-made to particular needs.
Senior food scientist, Mark Purpura, told the New Jersey-based company developed specialist solutions to meet client requirements which it aimed to deliver within one to two weeks.
Going brown "This is what sets Easy-Brown apart," Purpura said.
"The browning agents market is highly competitive but most offerings are standardized whereas we work closely with each client to develop the particular formulation that will bring the best results for them."
He said the company's IP-protected basic formulation enhanced browning times and reduced the need for high-heat browning which provided energy savings.
"For example you can eliminate the need for eggs in browning which has tremendous cost benefits.
Removing an egg wash is a significant processing benefit for most of our customers."
Meat and veg Advanced Food Systems was developing its presence in the meat market.
"In meat-based or poultry-based applications, Easy-Brown accelerates browning and provides a caramelized color and rich flavor," it said.
"By reducing the cook times and temperatures, Easy-Brown also helps to improve cook yield.
This application can be done by spraying, tumbling, or glazing."
Other applications included crisping pie crusts, preventing moisture migration and adhering seeds such as sesame seeds to baked goods.
In the realm of vegetables, Easy-Brown could increase freeze-thaw stability, reduce cook time and shrinkage as well as improve texture.
"These systems are excellent for pizza toppings, caramelized onions and (IQF) individual quick freezing roasted vegetables," the company said.
Browning agents typically consist of starches, natural and synthetic flavors and colors such as caramel.
They rarely add nutritional value to food products as they tend to be applied by spraying and quantities are not sufficient to deliver such benefits.
Purpuro said Easy-Brown had initially been targeted at the bakery industry but had diversified into meat and vegetables after testing revealed its potential in these areas.
"But the biggest advantage of Easy-Brown is the fact we can deliver a customized solution in days," he said.
Advanced Food Systems' ingredients suite included stabilizers, emulsifiers, gums and other hydrocolloids, spices, seasonings, flavors and colors.