New guidelines for animal welfare during transport

European animal welfare organisations have teamed up with meat associations to publish a new set of guidelines for the transport of live cattle.

The ‘Guidelines to assess fitness for transport of adult bovine animals’ can help professionals avoid the financial and legal penalties caused by transporting unfit animals.

Prepared by Eurogroup for animals, Animals’ Angels, UECBV ‘(European Union of Meat Traders), FVE (Federation of Veterinarians of Europe), IRU (International Road Transport Union) and ELT (European Livestock Transporters), the document was presented during the National Seminar on Transport Controls for Official Veterinarians in Berlin on 12 January 2012.

The guidelines aim to maximise welfare by providing a list of possible situations in which an animal could be deemed unfit to be transported. They include a lot of visuals, to make the decision on whether adult bovines are suitable for transport easy and accessible. They are currently available in English, German, Spanish and French, with Italian and Portuguese versions in preparation.

Animal transport professionals can request a copy by emailing the UECVB at