Gap analysis and training audits first step in building food safety program

Gap analysis or training audits are the best methods to start building a food safety program, according to AIB International.

Len Steed, head of certification, HACCP and speciality audits at AIB International said the gap analysis or training audit does not come with a “How am I going to score” pressure but identifies any problems and enables the firm to see if they have programs in place to identify and control potential problems.   

Speaking at the Global Food Safety Conference 2013 in Barcelona, Steed said the firm tries to identify the potential problems in a plant and guide them with what they need to do to put a system in place to prevent issues occurring.

“Believe it or not if you’ve never had any type of formal audit, be it third party or second party or customers coming in, you probably have some issues that need to be attended to, so again,  it’s finding out what your problems are and identifying if you have control measures in place and then take it from there.”

AIB International is a non-profit educational institute with a primary function of training and education which also offers audits.

The firm works with firms in primary agriculture, meat, eggs and throughout the food chain to storage and distribution.