No bunny scraps in our santas: German chocolate industry

The German confectionery Association (BDSI) has denied media rumors that allege unused chocolate bunnies are melted down and remade as chocolate Santas.

“These rumors, they come every year – every two times a year really,” BDSI press officer Torben Erbrath told

Easter myth: No claws for alarm

The BDSI issued a statement last week that said the melting and repackaging of leftover chocolate Easter bunnies as chocolate Santas or vice versa was “in the land of fairy tales and legends.” [German translation].

“It’s not allowed by law, so manufacturers wouldn’t do that,” said Erbrath.

He added that no firm had ever been caught reusing leftover chocolate bunnies and if they were found out their business would be shut down by authorities.

Media-made legend

Erbrath said the rumors were purely media fabrication - much like the misconception that Christmas confectionery has hit store shelves earlier than the year before.

“It’s always the beginning of September,” he said.

According to the BDSI, leftover seasonal chocolates are generally offered at reduced prices or are distributed for free to nonprofit organizations.

The German confectionery industry produces 140m chocolate Santas a year and 190m chocolate bunnies.

Around 44% of chocolate bunnies are exported, but approximately 106m are sold in Germany.