Food safety kits go global

By Jenni Spinner

- Last updated on GMT

Related tags Foodborne disease outbreaks Food safety Middle east Foodborne illness

Life Technologies now offers its foodborne pathogen testing kits worldwide.
Life Technologies now offers its foodborne pathogen testing kits worldwide.
Life Technologies is expanding its range of foodborne pathogen test kits to customers around the globe.

The company now offers its RT-qPCR assays for detecting Norovirus GI and Norovirus GII, Hepatitis A, and the Mengovirus Extraction Control Kit by CEERAM (the European Centre for Expertise and Research on Microbial Agents to customers worldwide. The tests previously were only available to food processing outfits in Europe, the Middle East and Africa.

Pathogen dangers

Human Norovirus is the most common cause for foodborne disease outbreaks in the U.S. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) the bug causes 800 deaths, about 21 million illnesses and 70,000 hospitalizations each year.

Globally, tens of millions of individuals contract Hepatitis A and Norovirus annually. According to the company, molecular techniques like the RT-qPCR assays developed by CEERAM, are the most widely accepted detection method.

"As global leaders in food testing products, we recognize the importance of public confidence in food safety​," said Nir Nimrodi, NY-based Life Technologies' vice president and general manager of animal health and food safety.

Technology recognition

The technology is attracting attention and honors from the food-safety industry. CEERAM will be recognised by the International Association for Food Protection (IAFP) with a Food Safety Innovations Award during its annual meeting at the Charlotte Convention Center in Charlotte, NC, July 28-31.

In addition to the RT-qPCR assay products, Life Technologies offers a wide range of other scientific services, forensics, research and more. With the expansion of its distribution area, the company now services more than 180 countries.

Related topics Food safety & quality

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