World Food Day: Global Twitter chat to bring together food producers and consumers
The global chat, taking place later today, will mark World Food Day by bringing food producers, farmers, and policy makers together to discuss the issues and facing them on an international scale.
Organised by a collaboration of European Twitter chats (including @AgrichatUK, @AgrichatNL and @EUFoodChat) the Twitter chat will bring together people involved in food production from all over the world - including the US, Australia and New Zealand with the help of @Agchat in the US, @AgchatOZ and @AgchatNZ.
The UK’s main farming Twitter discussion group, @AgrichatUK, will facilitate the live chat by releasing questions for debate between 9-10.30pm CET (8pm-9.30pm GMT).
Food producers in each country will be asked to share their experiences and thoughts on the challenges they face, the future of the food system, and to share photos of their farms or production facilities. The pictures will be collated together by US farming twitter group @Agchat on a Pinterest board.
The chat is aimed at everybody involved in food production, and welcomes all to the discussion table. To take part, tweeters should to use the hashtags #AgrichatWorld and #WFD2013.