Reynolds Consumer Products settles FTC charges
The US-EU Safe Harbor Framework enables US companies to transfer consumer data from the European Union to the US in compliance with EU law.
FTC complaints charged the company with representing that they held current Safe Harbor certifications, even though it had been allowed to lapse.
However, this does not mean that the company committed any violations of the privacy principles of the Safe Harbor frameworks, said the FTC.
Under the settlement agreement the firm is prohibited from misrepresenting their participation in privacy or data security programs sponsored by government or other self-regulatory or standard-setting organization.
Reynolds Consumer Products, part of Reynolds Group Holdings, makes aluminum foil, parchment paper, slow cooker liners and baking cups and packaging closures under its Fresh-Lock and Slide-Rite brands for cheese and snacks.
It was one of 12 companies involved and comments can be made until 20 February 2014.