SQF audit and certification capabilities supplement the BRC (British Retail Consortium) to allow FSNS C&A to provide two food safety and quality schemes supported by the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI).
FSNS C&A said Ernst said third-party audits benefit food producers because they challenge the thought process used by the production facility and help producers refine their food safety and quality practices to meet consumer demands.
Audits for SQF or BRC schemes can lead to GFSI-recognized certification that international, national and regional retailers, foodservice providers and suppliers accept as proof of production integrity.
"We added the SQF scheme both to meet consumer needs for food quality and safety assurance as well as to expand the GFSI schemes our company offers," said Lori Ernst, FSNS C&A vice president of audit services.
Ernst said many clients’ customers require specific audits including GFSI-recognised schemes prior to purchasing product.
“GFSI audits, including SQF and BRC, are higher level appraisals of a company's operations, policies and procedures that give customers greater confidence in the products purchased."