The affected Organic Black Soybean Milk by Hung Fook Tong comes in 350ml per bottle and has a best before date of 5 July.
CFS inspected the processing plant and retail outlets of the manufacturer who said that the affected batch of the product had been out of stock.
Agency staff have also inspected other retail outlets and have not found any of the affected batch available for sale so far.
A CFS spokesman said during follow-up investigation on a case removed from shelves by a local food chain, it collected samples of the food products at the retail level for testing.
“Test results showed that a sample of bottled organic black soybean milk contained Bacillus cereus at an excessive level of 540,000 per gram,” he said.
"According to the 'Microbiological Guidelines for Ready-to-eat Food', it is potentially hazardous to the health of consumers if 100,000 or more of Bacillus cereus per gramme of food is detected.”
Bacillus cereus is commonly found in the environment. Improper conditions in food processing and/or storage may give rise to its growth as well as production of toxins.