German meat and dairy office opened in China

German meat and milk industry associations have opened a joint office in Beijing to promote the export of German products to China, according to Verband der Fleischwirtschaft (VDF).

Along with the dairy organisations, German Meat GmbH has opened its office with finance from the Federal Ministry of Agriculture. VDF reported that China is the world’s largest market for imported milk products, but the move also aims to increase meat exports.

Steffen Reiter, managing director of German Meat, said: “Even for pork, China is already one of the most important markets worldwide. Until now, only individual German companies are approved for export to China, and only for specific products. The office in Beijing we will be able to support the authorisation procedure for other businesses, and pork products, poultry and beef.”

The site aims to ensure the necessary communication between exporter, importer and import authority

Reiter added that the office would be good for “understanding the Chinese requirements and approval procedures for the import of food”, which it hopes will improve and accelerate the information flow in both directions.