Cooperl responds to contaminated meat fine
The conviction was only partial, Cooperl said, highlighting that accusations of falsification and endangering life were scrapped.
Three Cooperl managers had received suspended sentences and the company was supporting them, it said.
Analytical methods
The investigation into quality analytical methods had concerned specific products marketed between March and November 2010, representing 0.15% of Cooperl production over the same period, it claimed.
Throughout the three years of proceedings and during the hearing, Cooperl had defended its strong track record on hygiene and quality control procedures and provided evidence of its professionalism, it added.
“We regret the sentence, but we also stress that the court accepted certain evidence in the case demonstrating that we have constantly been vigilant in terms of consumer health and product quality,” stated Patrice Drillet, chairman of Cooperl.
“Furthermore, it is our day-to-day vocation to defend our cooperative business model in the interests of our member breeders, our customers and the millions of consumers who place their trust in us.
‘Pig industry crisis’
“Currently the pig industry is facing a crisis of unprecedented scale. Now, more than ever, we are pursuing quality and innovation to add maximum value to our products and to develop our expertise.”
Cooperl expressed its solidarity and support for all its employees for continuing to display passion and professionalism in their work.
Cooperl produces added-value products from the livestock produced by its 2,700 member breeders and employs 5,000 people. Its products were consumed by 13m people every day, it said.
In 2014, it invested €44m in modernising its facilities and enhancing working conditions. The organisation focuses its research and development activities on improving livestock buildings, high-precision animal nutrition and energy-saving solutions.