FQN heads to RAFA 2015

An international conference covering the latest issues in food safety and quality with the biggest industry names starts this week.

Organizers are the University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague (UCT Prague, Czech Republic) and RIKILT Wageningen UR (The Netherlands).

The seventh International Symposium on Recent Advances in Food Analysis (RAFA 2015) is at the Clarion Congress Hotel Prague, in Czech Republic, November 3–6.

RAFA has grown since it was launched in 2003: the previous event was attended by 800 participants from 63 countries and supported by more than 50 sponsors, exhibitors and media partners (Side note: FQN is a media partner this year).

Symposium sessions will be focused on novel technologies, bio-analytical methods for food control, allergens, authenticity and fraud, contaminants and residues and analysis of general food, natural toxins and Omics approaches.

It will cover areas such as authentication and fraud, foodomics food forensics, micro and nano food sensors, QA/QC & Chemometrics & Data interpretation, allergens, industrial contaminants, metals & metalloids, novel foods and supplements and packaging and processing contaminants.

The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) will host a seminar on ‘Food safety issues beyond the EU’ and FAO/IAEA have a workshop on ‘Food Safety – challenges for developing countries’.

EU projects presented at the event are Food Integrity, NanoDefne, Decathlon, BIOFOS, Symphony, the Love Food project and FOODSNIFFER. 

Exhibitors include Agilent, BUCHI, Bruker, Elisa Systems, Eppendorf, Fapas, LGC Standards, Neogen, PerkinElmer, R-Biopharm , Restek, Romer Labs, SCIEX, Sigma-Aldrich, Thermo Fisher Scientific and Waters. 

FQN will be attending the sessions, the vendor seminars, workshops and tracking down exhibitors at the event. If you are there get in touch: joe.whitworth@wrbm.com , if not follow our Twitter feed to stay up to date!