FoodChain ID to take over training delivery
It said the move comes following changes to ISO 17065 which encourages accredited certification bodies to train differently.
The company will be offering more than 200 courses next year including Food Defence and Vulnerability, Retail Ready and IP Issues and Crisis PR Management.
Richard Werran, managing director of Cert ID, said FoodChain ID is better placed to develop and expand training delivery and with changes to accreditation standards.
“We are now fully able to respond to the training needs of clients with some exciting and innovative courses developed exclusively for us.”
Global ID Group companies include Genetic ID (testing labs with offices and labs in the US, Japan, Germany) and Cert ID (certification companies with offices in the US, Brazil and the UK).
The company has two consulting subsidiaries including FoodChain Global Advisors in the U.S and FoodChain ID Europe in the UK.
Werran presented at Food Ingredients Europe last week in Paris on ‘Clarifying BRC Global Standard Food Safety Issue 7’ in a module moderated by FoodQualityNews.