QS reveals Salmonella round robin test results

The majority of QS-approved laboratories passed a Salmonella round robin test, said QS Qualität und Sicherheit.

A total of 27 of 30 QS-approved laboratories were successful in the Salmonella Monitoring Pig test.

Three laboratories failed and were asked by QS to take appropriate improvement measures and to provide evidence on implementation.

The firm said in the next Salmonella round robin test, they have to participate successfully to maintain approval. 

All participating laboratories had to analyse ten samples of meat juice and meat serum with different levels of antibodies.

The goal of the monitoring is to identify and remove the possible entry sources of Salmonella into QS fattening businesses so the number of infected or contaminated animals is reduced.

In total, 40 laboratories from Germany and other EU countries participated and 35 of them passed.

Participants included the Friedrich Löffler Institut, the Bundesinstitut für Risikobewertung, the central veterinary laboratory of the Netherlands (VLG B.V.) and two test kit producers: Qiagen and Prionics.