ASI conducts thousands of audits yearly following standards supported by the Safe Quality Foods Institute (SQFI) and the British Retail Consortium (under Global Food Safety Initiative benchmarked standards).
It also does third-party Good Manufacturing Practices audits for food processors, consumer goods, packagers and distributors, gluten-free facilities, feed material production plants and retail store chains.
Art Goede, quality manager and IT director for ASI Food Safety, said it provides timely and complete, well-documented audits.
“It just made sense after utilizing ReposiTrak to manage our results in the SQFI assessment database, and seeing its reporting capabilities, that we expand and automate our audit processes from request to certification to save time and increase accuracy.”
Park City Group is a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) provider of compliance management and track and trace tools through the ReposiTrak subsidiary.
Compliance Management receives, stores and shares documentation and manages compliance through dashboards and alerts for missing or expired documents; and Track and Trace identifies product ingredients and supply chain path in the event of a product recall.
Randall K. Fields, chairman and CEO of Park City Group, said expanding ReposiTrak for the end-to-end process for audit companies shows desire to strengthen its position in food safety.
“We firmly believe that we have a duty to automate compliance and increase visibility everywhere we can to effectively lower risk and improve the global food supply chain for everyone.”