New look for IFFA trade show

Credit: IFFA

IFFA 2019 in Frankfurt, Germany is to unveil a revamped look for this year’s trade show.

Taking place on 4-9 May 2019, the trade show is one of the highlights of the international meat industry. This year, the team has given it a new layout to reflect the various stages of the meat processing industry.

As part of the new layout, the overall structure is oriented towards the various stages of processing meat. The circular tour begins in Hall 9 with slaughtering, dismembering and processing, as well as transport and storage systems, refrigerating and supply equipment, operational hygiene, occupational safety and IT.

For the first time, the central processing section is being extended to Hall 12.0 where manufacturers from all over the world present machinery and equipment for the core processes of meat and sausage production.

On the two floors of Hall 11, leading international exhibitors from the fields of packaging, packing materials, cutting, measuring and weighing present their innovations. In Hall 12.1, visitors will find a broad spectrum of ingredients, spices, additives and casings. The range of products for ‘Selling – everything for butchers’ shops’ occupies a special area of the new Hall 12.0. This is also the setting for the German Butchers’ Association with the competition area and marketplace.

IFFA director Johannes Schmid-Wiedersheim said: “Since the last IFFA, we have been able to introduce numerous innovations, which visitors will notice at many different points. For example, when walking around the fair through modern, light and airy halls, in the restaurants, through the short distances between appointments and when using our new, high-speed WLAN.

“Many exhibitors have taken advantage of the move to increase the size of their exhibition stands and their presentations. And, last but not least, we have restructured the various segments and brought together a number of related product groups.”