Danish Crown adopts responsible soy policy


Pork producer Danish Crown has taken what it calls a “significant step” to improve sustainability with the adoption of a responsible soy policy.

Agreed upon by the board of directors, the policy ensures the purchase of sustainable soy by 2020 and promote sustainable development of soy production and participation in partnerships to develop alternative, locally produced feed sources such as legumes, grass or anything else that may reduce the need for soy. These initiatives also allow Danish Crown to join the Danish Alliance for Responsible Soy.

“We must not only deal with the imprints we make directly, but also those we make indirectly, and there is soy an area where we have a responsibility as a company. Therefore, I am pleased that together with strong partners we can take responsibility for our production and become more sustainable”, said Preben Sunke, COO of Danish Crown.

“One is to look at our current situation with soybean imports and make it more sustainable, but if fodder production and consumption are to be sustainable in the future, then we need to do some things we cannot today. That is why we need to get involved in partnerships where it makes sense and look for alternatives that can make Danish pigs less dependent on soy imports,” added Sunke.

Earlier this month, Danish Crown unveiled new branding and a renewed focus on sustainability.

Global Meat News will be hosting a webinar on sustainability within the meat industry on 27 February 2020. For commercial opportunities associated with this webinar, contact Aline Henderson on aline.henderson@wrbm.com.