Diet & health

Removing Reb A restrictions will allow better tasting formulations, say stevia palyers. ©iStock

Law applies from 3 November 2016

Stevia sector says imminent EU law changes will sweeten NPD

By Lynda Searby

An amendment to the EU food additives regulation has removed the requirement for stevia blends to contain at least 75% stevioside or reb A, giving food and beverage manufacturers scope to formulate better tasting stevia-sweetened products.

The survey statistically measured obesity using the Body Mass Index (BMI) of adults - defined as a BMI of 30 or over. ©iStock

Eurobesity bulges to 1 in 6

By Will Chu

The Maltese and Latvians are the fattest Europeans in a continent where 1 in 6 are now rated obese, according to a survey that found age and education were key factors.

Choices chopped: Consumer groups are celebrating the end of the industry-backed tick but have already denounced the replacement app as insufficient.  © iStock/DragonImages

Option paralysis: Consumers were confused by 'Choices'

Dutch ditch healthy eating logo for an app

By Niamh Michail

The Dutch government has ordered the industry-led healthy eating logo to be phased out and replaced with an app that allows consumers to scan products for nutrition information.

The problem is healthy fats present food structure problems when replacing other fats. X-ray could help. ©iStock

X-ray fat for formulation wins?

By Natalie Morrison

Food scientists are X-raying fats in a bid to understand how saturated and trans-fats can be replaced by healthier versions without compromising taste or texture.

'Only 40% of us have a healthy weight,' said health minister Simon Harris in a foreword to the report. 'In terms of scale, this represents one of the biggest public health challenges Ireland is facing today.'  © World Obesity Federation

Ireland launches national obesity plan

By Niamh Michail

The Irish government has launched an ambitious national obesity plan which proposes a sugary drinks tax, maximum portion sizes, marketing restrictions and reformulation targets - but the lack of funding to implement the policy has led to criticism from...

SPLENDA Naturals is made with two ingredients: stevia leaf extract and erythritol, with an MSRP of $3.99 for a 40 count box, and $6.99 for an 80 count box.

SPLENDA Naturals takes on Truvia with new stevia-based natural sweetener

By Elaine Watson

As sales of artificial sweeteners continue to slide, SPLENDA (a brand associated with the artificial sweetener sucralose) has moved into the faster-growing natural sweetener space with the launch of SPLENDA Naturals, a zero-calorie blend of the bulk sweetener...

“A sugar tax will just mean that the public spend more of their money on unhealthy foods,” says Bayn managing director Lucy Dahlgren. © iStock/BogdanReava

Profit increase can drive sugar reduction: Bayn

By Natalie Morrison

More profitable business models are needed for companies committed to healthier products, according to Bayn following the launch of its new Sugar Reduced Community.

© iStock/©stocksnapper

UK pushes voluntary added sugar labelling scheme

By David Burrows

The UK government has confirmed that it will introduce “clearer visual labelling” in relation to free sugars on packaged food and drinks - but it will be voluntary.

Ireland may follow Mexico and the UK and bring in a tax on sugary drinks in a bid to curb obesity.  © iStock

Ireland ponders sugary drinks tax

By Niamh Michail

A tax on sugary drinks is being considered by the Irish government as part of the upcoming budget, a measure condemned by the Irish Beverage Council (IBC) as “costly political posturing”.

Sugar taxes: A case of pop policy and comic consultation

By J T Winkler, emeritus professor of nutrition policy, London Metropolitan University

The UK's sugar tax was little more than populist light relief to brighten a speech full of economic doom and gloom. But what's worse, argues Professor Jack Winkler, is that the government's 'pseudo-consultation' about the tax is...

In 2015 global volumes of energy drinks reached 8.8 billion litres – up 10% from the previous year despite political turmoil around the sector. ©iStock/Elisanth_

Germany overtakes US as top energy drink innovator

By Annie Harrison-Dunn

For the first time Germany has overtaken the US as the top energy drink innovator with the highest rates of new product development (NPD) in 2015, according to Mintel. 

The working group of 21 independent researchers evaluated more than 1,000 studies. ©iStock/nensuria

WHO adds more cancer types linked to excess weight

By Will Chu

The World Health Organisation (WHO) has identified obesity as more of a risk factor for cancer than previously thought as a report identifies more cancer types linked to excess weight. 

UK sugar tax consultation launched

UK sugar tax: Government unveils plans and consultation

By Rachel Arthur

The UK government has confirmed details of its plans for a tax on sugar sweetened beverages, launching a consultation on the levy along with its long-awaited childhood obesity strategy today. 

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