
Many representations of GMOs, like this one, tap into intuitive ideas of unnaturalness - even though this is far from the reality of GM technology

Being anti-GMO may have ‘intuitive appeal’


Rejection of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) may be intuitive for many people, claims a paper published in the journal Trends in Plant Science.

Organic NPD vital to survive mainstream 'healthification'

By Niamh Michail

The organic sector has cultivated a culture of ethical awareness among consumers that conventional manufacturers are now cashing in on – and new product development is vital for the sector to retain its value, say experts.

Organic breaks social class barriers

Organic breaks social class barriers

By Niamh Michail

With working class households making up nearly one third of sales, organic is no longer a middle-class preserve - and some say it is even fueling Britain's 'foodie' culture.

What does bamboo taste like?

“Bamboo Water can reach the amazing eco and health conscious movement on our planet”

Not just for pandas: Could Bamboo Water be the next ‘superdrink’?

By Rachel Arthur

Bamboo Water could harness the neglected nutritional properties of bamboo leaves to create a drink that is both healthy and ecologically sustainable, says the co-founder of Bamboo Beverages. 

More than a myth: The science behind the Mediterranean diet

More than a myth: The science behind the Mediterranean diet

By Niamh Michail

The benefits of the Mediterranean diet have been firmly established – we all know that we should eatmore fresh fruit and vegetables, use olive oil, eat whole grains, nuts and pulses, a few dairy products and a little meat – but why do we know it?FoodNavigator...

EU proposes TTIP amendments following backlash

EU proposes TTIP amendments following backlash

By Niamh Michail

As MEPs prepare to discuss proposed amendments to TTIP’s investor principle in Riga next week, the European Commission says that most of the controversy springs from ‘common misconceptions’.

Women make up 43% of the agricultural labour force in developing countries but own less land and livestock than men and have less access to credit or cooperatives.

Empowering women in agriculture is good for business

By Niamh Michail

Empowering women in small-hold agriculture is essential to boosting productivity, creating new product launches and generating business - and companies are starting to realise this, says a Fairtrade Foundation report.

Changing precipitation patterns and temperatures could affect food safety through many different pathways - but to what extent is unknown

Climate change may increase foodborne illness


Problems with food security have previously been linked to climate change – but it may also affect food safety and the incidence of foodborne illness, according to a new study.

Scientists create natural grapefruit flavour from oranges


The grapefruit flavour and fragrance compound nootkatone is one of the most expensive and challenging ingredients to source in the world – so a new way to create a naturally derived version from oranges could revolutionise supply.

Coconut sugar is made from the sap of flowers from the palm

Coconut sugar: The latest sugar alternative

By Niamh Michail

Coconut sugar is increasing in popularity because it is seen as being a healthier, more ethical alternative to sugar - but nutritionists remain sceptical of the health claims.

Vote for British food, urged Meurig Raymond and deputy presidents Minette Batters and Guy Smith

Election 2015

Food to be highlighted ahead of election

By Michael Stones

A nationwide campaign to highlight the contribution of food and farming to British national life and the economy, ahead of the general election will be launched by the National Farmers Union (NFU) next week.

Unilever eliminates waste to landfill

Unilever eliminates waste to landfill


Unilever has met its target of sending zero non-hazardous waste to landfill from its 240 factories around the world.

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