Archives for March 20, 2003

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Ministers debate CAP

Meeting in Brussels this week under the umbrella of the Agriculture Council, European agriculture ministers hammered out the latest issues affecting agriculture in Europe. Food safety and CAP reform headlined the event.

EFSA: the right flavour?

Geoffrey Podger, the recently elected executive director of the European Food Safety Authority, this week gave the green light for the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration to evaluate flavours for an EU-wide initiative that is seeking to tighten...

Ministerial challenges for organic food

Knocked by the Nitrofen scandal in 2002, the boom for organic foods in Germany has stepped down a gear with sales stagnating. But as production continues to rise and producer margins continue to fall, there is pressure to increase organic food...

Tipples tackle dementia

Adults at least 65 years old, who consume between one and six alcoholic drinks each week, have a lower risk of dementia than those who do not drink, according to new findings published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA).

Enzymatic changes - new concepts for food sector

Could enzymatic changes in complex carbohydrates improve the nutrient content of food and animal feed? European researchers suggests their findings will not only benefit processing technologies but also improve the quality of a variety of products.

Safeway: four from five referred to Competition Commission

As expected, the proposed bids from Asda, Sainsbury's and Tesco for the Safeway supermarket chain are to be investigated by the UK competition authorities. Rather more unexpected was the decision to also refer the bid from Morrisons, leaving...

EC to harmonise pesticide residue legislation

The European Commission has announced a proposal to harmonise maximum residue levels for pesticides in products of plant and animal origin. The proposal aims to consolidate and simplify current legislation.