Nestlé Romania invests in wafers
Nestlé Romania has confirmed that it is to invest a further €3.5 million in its factory in Timisoara, as the company reaffirms its ambitions to dominate the all-important wafer market in the region.
News & Analysis on Food & Beverage Development & Technology
Nestlé Romania has confirmed that it is to invest a further €3.5 million in its factory in Timisoara, as the company reaffirms its ambitions to dominate the all-important wafer market in the region.
A common, but increasingly expensive and popular, food ingredient is the focus of a new global initiative to protect production. Ingredients firm Aarhus United has linked up with other stakeholders in the food industry to push a plan for the...
Dutch infant nutrition group Royal Numico is to sell its unprofitable South African baby food business as it looks to concentrate on regions where it can gain a leading position.
Hydrolysed whey proteins significantly reduce blood pressure in a small clinical trial, likely by altering multiple cardiovascular disease risk facters, reported researchers at a recent diabetes conference, writes Dominique Patton.
As the buffer zone for global cereal stocks continues to fall and raw material prices rise, the UN-backed Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) warned this week that cereal stocks will continue to fall, predicting that although production prospects...
Number two vitamin maker BASF and the former number one Roche have been told by the US Supreme Court that a case brought by customers outside the US against the companies for price-fixing cannot proceed, reports Dominique Patton.
The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has approved the use of Hyperform HPN-68 for use in food applications, which means that this high-speed nucleating agent for polypropylene from Milliken & Company has now gained acceptance for food related...
Australian food ingredients firm Burns Philp could be close to announcing the sale of its North American spice business, Tones Brothers, for up to $500 million, say Australian media reports.
Food makers will have increasingly accurate data about their consumers as researchers in the US design a new method to help survey respondents remember 'forgotten foods'.
Leading food manufacturer Heinz is to cut the salt content of its celebrated baked beans as consumer health concerns continue over the levels of salt used in processed foods.