Archives for July 10, 2005

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Russia sees surge in foreign wine demand

Russian firm Sanserite will import new, Spanish wines aimed solely at Russia as demand for foreign wine increases thanks to rising consumption, higher disposable incomes and a declining domestic wine industry, reports Angela Drujinina.

Ikea to move into speciality grocery market

Following Wal-Mart's announcement it plans to expand operations into the rest of Europe, furniture retailer Ikea said it will move into the grocery market with its own-label products next year.

Local beer brands boom in Ukraine

A strong sales increase for Ukrainian brewer Sarmat reveals how the country's beer market is growing strongly in Russia's shadow and adds new evidence to the popularity of 'local' brands, writes Angelina Drujinina.

Weekly comment

Let food be thy medicine

A society that views food as taste-bud entertainment rather than a basic of well-being was always bound to run into health problems. But with obesity now afflicting 300m people, and diabetes set to reach similar numbers within two decades, the...