Archives for September 19, 2007

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Soda sales in schools fall, says ABA

By  Lorraine Heller

The number of full-calorie soft drinks sold in schools across America has almost halved, according to a new report that examines the progress made by industry one year after the implementation of the National School Beverage Guidelines.

Polyphenols to boost oil quality from rice bran

By  Stephen Daniells

The addition of select polyphenols to rice bran may inhibit the detrimental effects of rice bran lipase and make the bran an interesting source of edible oil, Indian researchers report.

Responsibility rules in Heidelberg

By  Neil Merrett

It is not so much what is going into products, but the manner in which they are produced that dominated the debate at Wild's industry convention in Heidelberg, Germany.

Emulsifiers a prime example of innovation, says Frost

By  staff reporter

Innovation in by emulsifier producers is good example of how ingredients producers can revive a mature market by catering to changing conditions and demands, says Frost and Sullivan in a new briefing paper.

Roundtable heralds advent of sustainable palm oil

By  Jess Halliday

The Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) says it is on the cusp of delivering on its promise to put sustainable oil on the market, and will be unveiling its certification system at its next meeting in November.