Archives for October 4, 2012

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JFC Plastics prosecuted after worker’s death

By Joe Whitworth

JFC Plastics has been ordered to pay £240,000 (€298,390) in fines and costs after being prosecuted following the death of a worker at one of its UK recycling facilities.

Time spent chewing food important for satiety, study suggests

By Caroline Scott-Thomas

The amount of time spent chewing food could have an important impact on feelings of fullness – calling into question the suitability of beverages for increasing satiety, according to a new Nestlé-sponsored study.

Massive food ‘dictionary’ to speed new product development

By Caroline Scott-Thomas

New product developers may soon have a new tool for coming up with innovative food concepts, as a group of Dutch companies and universities is developing a huge dictionary of food knowledge compiled from more than 20 million seemingly unrelated documents.