Archives for January 8, 2013

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EU proposes new trading rules

By Carina Perkins

The European Commission has proposed new rules to help defend the EU against unfair trading practices by third countries.

Economic crisis threatens Mediterranean diet

By Caroline Scott-Thomas

The Mediterranean diet is under threat as cash-strapped consumers in southern European countries are spending less on fresh foods and more on cheaper packaged foods, according to new research.

Innovation club meets for the first time

By Gary Scattergood

Pan-European manufacturers that have signed up to Leatherhead Food Research's (LFR's) innovation 'club' will get a glimpse of the latest novel emulsion, hygiene and fibre optic sensing technologies at its first meeting later this month.


Not gettin’ far with that gastric bezoar? Grab a Coke…


Coke drinking is an effective first-line treatment to dissolve ‘gastric bezoars’ or indigestible masses that form in the stomach after foreign material accumulates there, according to a new Greek study.