Archives for July 23, 2014

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EU secures WTO panel against Russia pigmeat ban

By Keith Nuthall

The European Union (EU) has today (23 July) forced the creation of a disputes panel at the World Trade Organisation (WTO) which will examine the legality under world trade law of Russia’s ban on imports of EU live pigs, pork and other pig products.

Norway acts against MRSA infection on pig farm

By Gerard O’Dwyer

Mattilsynet, Norway’s food safety authority, has ordered the destruction of a pig-herd in Vestre Toten, in western Norway, following the discovery of the antibiotic-resistant bacteria MRSA (methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus) in the herd. The...

Halal food body regains Malaysian recognition

By Ed Bedington and Oli Haenlein

The UK’s Halal Food Authority (HFA) has regained recognition from the Department of Islamic Development Malaysia (JAKIM) as an accepted Foreign Halal Certification Body, after losing this last year, due to a pork DNA scandal.