Archives for March 5, 2015

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Should liquorice come with a warning label?

By Nathan Gray

Researchers in Italy have urged liquorice manufacturers to warn consumers about the dangers of overconsumption after a child suffered seizures after over-indulging.

Tests show salmonella, listeria and E.coli exist on RPCs for fresh produce, meat & eggs

Reusable Packaging Association calls for ‘extreme caution’ on biofilm research

By Jenny Eagle

The Reusable Packaging Association has called for ‘extreme caution’ on research by the University of Arkansas, which claims bacteria forms biofilms, including salmonella, listeria and E.coli, on reuseable plastic containers (RPCs) used to ship fresh...

Prospects for the Eurozone in 2015

By Matt Incles, from Promar International

Matt Incles, from Promar International, describes the latest developments in the Eurozone and considers the impact on consumers and their meat purchase behaviour.

Academics and industry clash over WHO sugar advice

By Joyeeta Basu

Academics have welcomed the WHO’s recommendation to slash added sugar intake to 5-10% of calories – but the food industry has said it is misleading and based on weak evidence.

Scientists create natural grapefruit flavour from oranges


The grapefruit flavour and fragrance compound nootkatone is one of the most expensive and challenging ingredients to source in the world – so a new way to create a naturally derived version from oranges could revolutionise supply.

EFSA GM guidance may require more data from biotech firms

By Annie Harrison-Dunn

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) may ask firms for more data on GM crop safety in applications for reauthorisation required after ten years, which experts say could lead to confusion and unnecessary paperwork for both company and assessor.