Archives for December 22, 2015

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Hungarian meat firms invest to boost capacity

By Jaroslaw Adamowski

Hungary’s poultry meat processor Gallicoop Pulykafeldolgozó Zrt and meat retail and wholesale trader Novro Kft have both invested to increase capacity and market presence in the Hungarian meat market.

dispatches from WHO/RIVM FERG symposium

FERG: Global estimates must drive country action

By Joseph James Whitworth

Figures from the global burden of foodborne disease should be used as the basis for country-specific studies to support policy and prioritise risk management, according to people behind the work.

Antibiotic-resistant pigs found in the UK

By Oscar Rousseau

Pigs resistant to last-resort antibiotics, used on humans when all other medication fails, have been discovered in the UK, sparking fears of an ‘antibiotics apocalypse’.