Archives for October 13, 2016

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X-ray fat for formulation wins?

By Natalie Morrison

Food scientists are X-raying fats in a bid to understand how saturated and trans-fats can be replaced by healthier versions without compromising taste or texture.

Ireland mulls meat-origin labelling

By Oscar Rousseau

The Irish government has told the European Commission it intends to impose mandatory country-of-origin labelling on a host of fresh and frozen meat cuts.

Unilever & Tesco close 'Marmitegate'

By Niamh Michail

Unilever and Tesco have resolved their dispute over price increases for brands such as Marmite, but both are remaining tight-lipped over details of the deal.

UNICEF cracks down on 'inappropriate' infant food promotion

By Annie-Rose Harrison-Dunn

Five in six children under the age of two do not get adequate nutrition for physical and cognitive development during this critical period, says a UNICEF report calling for tighter regulation of infant nutrition products.

Pressure on EU to bolster sheep farmers’ incomes

By Oscar Rousseau

EU farming body Copa-Cogeca has called for strong measures, including improved CAP payments and efforts to fight unfair trading practices, to increase profits in the sheep meat sector.